Saturday, July 12, 2014

script to take input from user and to do backup as they wish

Here is the script to take input from user and to do backup as they wish.

dialog --inputbox " Please Enter the location where back will be stored" 9 50 2>/tmp/i1
a0=`cat /tmp/i1`
test ! -d $a0 && dialog --msgbox " $a0 dont exit .. we will make for u " 9 50 && mkdir $a0   && dialog --msgbox  "ok $a0 made " 9 50 || dialog --msgbox " Destination $a0  exist/or its cant be made  ... we will go forward " 9 50
dialog --inputbox " Please Enter the location to back-up" 9 50 2>/tmp/i2
a1=`cat /tmp/i2` && dialog --msgbox "Searching for  backed-up location $b "
test ! -d $b1  && dialog --msgbox "$a1 does not exist ...back-up will not be done " 9 50 || dialog --msgbox " OK $a1 found ..  we will go for back up " 9 50
tar cvzf $a0/backup.tar.gz $a1 && dialog --msgbox " congrats we have done back-up for u " 9 50 || dialog --msgbox "Sorry error occured" 9 50
rm -f /tmp/i1
rm -r /tmp/i2

just copy the above file to your Desktop to a file named "a"

and do the following steps

1. open your terminal and go for Desktop and type "sudo chmod +x a

2. then type ./a

will be seen as follow


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